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Defying the Odds with Defiant, She Advanced

Published: at 10:15 AM

That unlikely and utopian science fiction anthology project I blogged about last June? Well, exactly six months later, on December 22, I released it – and it’s doing quite well! Defiant, She Advanced is ten stories of defiance and daring. Here is the blurb.

Defiant, She Advanced libertarian science fiction anthology cover From the Imperium-controlled aetherlanes to a tech noir restitution agency in the Free Zone and from a steampunk, 1894 China with clockwork automatons to a post-1984 Orwellian dystopia with mandatory goodpharm, here are ten science fiction stories of defiance and daring.

Split evenly between strong female and male leads, these heroes fight losing battles on principle alone, discover lies hidden deep inside themselves, execute daring rescues and fight for love and liberty in a society where human dignity is cheaper than obsolete swarmbots.

These original, never-before-published works are from veteran authors, including William F. Wu, as well as emerging talents.

Order now at Amazon

Reader Reviews

Our first customers, twenty-two early readers as well as launch party and Reddit AMA winners have been sending me positive words about the stories. Here are a few of them:

“It’s been too long since I’ve seen an anthology of libertarian science fiction!”

“Definitely recommended!”

“It has been a long while since I have come across a book of short science fiction that dropped me into so many different new worlds, introduced me to new characters I wanted to befriend, and embraced the strong spirit of independence found here.”

“Perhaps the most telling aspect of these stories is that the last trip to the book store had me scouring the aisles looking for more from each of these authors.”

“The stories in this collection are fantastical, fun, and thought-provoking. The opening story alone, ‘The Slow Suicide of Living Again,’ is worth the price of entry. There are classic mind-blowing sci-fi plot twists AND imagination-expanding explorations of speculative political thought.”

“If I had to encapsulate it, I would say that the stories are about people who must make decisions in situations where those actions will define not just what they will do, but also who they are, and what they really believe in”

Community Support

We raised $262 with a crowdfunding campaign. Our Reddit AMA was well-attended, as was a Facebook launch party, both on December 19.

On January 12, co-authors Wendy McElroy, J.P. Medved and I had a great chat with’s Mike Reid. This kind of event is usually only for members but they made an exception for us. Here is the video.

Download the Sampler

You can get more information about Defiant, She Advanced, including story summaries, author bios and a free sampler, at

Order now at Amazon

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